Mustika Hijab Fashion is my brand name.
Maya said people india means money.
I was born in Jakarta, Mei, 14, 1992. I am 18 yearsold now.
And below is my family, first let's get acquainted first with my parents ..
My father is an employee and my mother is (PENGACARA) or sort (Penganguran Banyak Acara) hehehehe, well he's a real housewife.
my sister named Dian Pratama Sari ..
He was a student of International Relations DiUAI ..
She hobby photographer ..
My brother named Muhammad Shougy Prasetia
He is now a class 3 SMA diPondok Pesantren Darul Mutaqien ..
He also Hobby photographer ..
My sister named Atika Sari Nabila
He's now 6th grade
She's very stylish
and this is her last child named Muhammad Fadhil Prasetia
her grade 5 sd,,
she loved to sing and dance ..
and this is my big family
Wow... keluarga besar... btw sis, ada yang salah kayaknya di ketikan tulisan. He's a real housewife. maksudnya "she's" kali ya? :D
BalasHapuswhat a happy family <3
BalasHapusohya, salam kenal dan silakan mampir ke blog saya di ☺
kak maya cantik bngtt ya...
BalasHapus( aku temenya nabila )